Timothy Burns

Author | Speaker | Mentor

Freelance Portfolio

Published online since 2003, this portfolio features some of my articles, e-books, and short projects.

Latest Blogs

Going Deeper | Connecting the Dots | To Know God | And Make Him Known

Prayer’s Power for a New Year

Prayer’s Power for a New Year

As new year pokes it’s head up from the eastern horizon, my fresh calendar’s blank pages carry a deep promise of new hope. Today, in the middle of a Michigan winter,...

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Faith in Tension: Distinct but not Divided (Part 1)

Faith in Tension: Distinct but not Divided (Part 1)

“Father, I pray that they’re all one.” On Tuesday mornings, I meet in a coffee shop for Bible study with five friends. In addition to the energized conversation over...

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Writing is the Hardest Job I’ve Ever Loved

Writing is the Hardest Job I’ve Ever Loved

Almost 14 years ago, God called me to write. I was sitting in a hotel room in San Antonio visiting friends after walking through one of the deepest, darkest valleys of...

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Faith in Tension: Distinct but not Divided (Part 2)

Faith in Tension: Distinct but not Divided (Part 2)

After I came to Christ, I discovered that the church has struggled with conflict and disunity from its earliest days. In 1 Corinthians 3, the Apostle Paul wrote to this...

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What some of my readers & clients are saying.

Let someone else praise you, not your own words. . .

Regarding the 2012 Maranatha Christian Writers Conference: “It was loving, thoughtful . . . a tremendous experience . . . intelligent and accessible . . . a change point in my life.” Tony from West Yorkshire, England.

Timothy, I enjoyed reading some of your writing. I Agreed with what I read. Sounds a lot like hearing myself, as it is what I live.

Thank you for hosting the manuscript critique group on Thursday night.  The format was very helpful, and I appreciated hearing someone else read my manuscript . . .  I listen for speed bumps.  I never heard the preachy voice – ouch!  I am so grateful the Lord led me to have that chapter evaluated.

Thanks Timothy Burns for the nudge yesterday. I have written 5000 plus words in the last 2 days and feel back on track with my next book.

“Tim Burns is one of the best organizers of writers in the Midwest.” Tim Beals, Credo Communications

“One of the best studies on leadership I have been through.” Jerry Newton.

“Forged in the Fire is a Biblical and carefully researched character study which I believe God will use to transform lives.” Pastor Brad Mitchell

“Timothy Burns has done a superb job of presenting what God requires of our Christian life” Dr. Linda Beed

“During our darkest hours, the study was an anchor for me.” Mike Potter

  • Tony from Britain
  • Shirley Jane Walden
  • Julie Yuccas
  • Dayna Bickham
  • Tim Beals
  • Jerry Newton
  • Pastor Brad Mitchell
  • Dr. Linda Beed
  • Mike Potter