Posts Tagged "revival"

“God, I pray you hold back the economic chaos that is flooding our nation. Hold back the political corruption; restrain the social turmoil so that we can reach our destiny.” I listened to this prayer recently in a local church. The pastor passionately asked God to hold back the trends that are harming the cultural, economic, political and social fabric of the United States. To be honest, I was confused. Unless I’m reading a different...

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Grace and Holiness Christians walk in a place of grace. I don’t earn God’s love, favor or attention by the things that I do. He gives his love freely because he genuinely, deeply and eternally loves us. No, I don’t earn God’s love or affection. I can’t buy my entrance into heaven by what I do. Yet I demonstrate how much his love has transformed me by the things that I pursue. I don’t earn God’s love. I show God how much I am, or am...

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