Whole Heart Whole Life

Posted By Timothy Burns on Oct 22, 2014 |

I’ve walked with Jesus for over three decades. The road isn’t always smooth, but I’ve learned these two simple truths.

    1. God is always faithful.
    2. His Word is always True.

Yet when God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we want Him to, how often do we blame him and doubt his faithfulness?

[Tweet “We would rather bow to our own desires than be accountable to the One who created us. We work hard to re-interpret his Word because life didn’t follow the path we choose. “]

So even though we call in his Name, we live in the opposite direction and depart from His grace and his power. We limit God’s ability to work in our lives.

The posts for The Believer Blog are pulled from the well of God’s grace and truth. You won’t find the latest new teaching, or a popular single issue that should “revolutionize your faith life.” God’s life in you is deeper, wider and more powerful than a nugget of truth, or the latest Christian catch phrase. These blog posts are a fresh look at discipleship & genuine Christian living with a passion for connecting God’s Words to 21st-century living. 

Fundamentally and biblically conservative in my theology and a storyteller in my delivery, posts on The Believer Blog will challenge and inspire you to live a transformed life, to be empowered by God’s Spirit, and be guided by the Truth of God’s Word – without compromise or apology.

God’s plan for you is

God has called you, and he is faithful.
The next move is yours.
Are you walking out His plans or your own?

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